Welcome to HVS!
Huron Valley Schools covers 99.6 square miles in Village of Milford, Milford, White Lake, Highland and Commerce Townships with an early childhood center, eight elementary schools, three middle schools and four high schools, including an alternative high school and the International Academy-West campus. Our Adult Education program supports students past their graduation year in search of a GED or diploma. The district also offers educational alternatives and supplemental programs for special needs students. Outside of the classroom, our music and theater programs, robotics teams, sports teams and extracurricular teams consistently receive state and national recognition. Check out this video to learn more about the great things going on in our district.
Huron Valley Schools’ Athletic Department
Did you know that approximately 70,000 spectators attended Lakeland and Milford sporting events last year? On average the Huron Valley community can choose from as many as 780 home events to attend. The options of viewing pleasure are expansive in that the Athletic Departments offer 129 competitive teams at the varsity and sub-varsity level. Sixty four percent of Lakeland and Milford students participated in either a fall, winter or spring sport during the last school year. Remarkably, this data provides a clear portrayal of how and why our community stays connected to Lakeland and Milford High Schools. At any given sporting event throughout the year, the faces in the crowd include a wide spectrum of personalities. Parents, staff, administrators, alumni, and local community members attend these events knowing the inherent values of high school sports in a community and school.